Public administration

The continuous growth of Europe and the extensive ties between European countries constantly pose new challenges for public institutions and bodies. Multiculturalism shapes the way we live and work together and means that there is an ever-greater need to translate information leaflets, website content, applications and legal forms and documents, at a municipal, regional and national level. Citizens of different nationalities receive the most important information for their native language. Through technically precise and unambiguous translations, language barriers can be overcome, which paves the way to successful communication.

Similarly, due to the increasing number of refugees in areas of conflict, authorities regularly need help with the translation of asylum applications or personal documents into the respective national language of the countries of residence or into German / English.

A translation into the respective national language greatly facilitates access to necessary information and promotes an international exchange of knowledge.

Administrative translations by experienced native speakers

For official translations, we only employ expert translators who have many years of experience in this specific field and, if required, are also legally authorised and sworn, enabling us to certify official translations. It goes without saying that our language experts always translate into their mother tongue and, if necessary, are able to express complex issues in a clear and concise manner.

Naturally, they consider the appropriate specialist terminology and the specifications you have provided. We work closely with you to ensure that the translation corresponds to your needs and requirements.

Official translations from a professional translation agency

We carry out all our translations in accordance with the international translation standard DIN EN ISO 17100. This includes both direct customer service, with individually coordinated project planning and proofreading the administrative translation. Therefore, we are able to provide a top quality guarantee for our translation services and proofreading. Our team of experienced project managers is renowned for its high flexibility and personal dedication in handling time-critical and complex projects.

Our regular customers from the public sector include numerous ministries, federal authorities, offices and departments of various regional governments and educational institutions etc.

We will gladly send you a selection of our recommendations on request.

Contact us and simply send us your documents for text analysis. You will immediately receive a free offer from us and you are more than welcome to call us in advance for advice.

We are looking forward to your inquiry!
